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Monday, December 22, 2014


Some of  us might be wondering why this year's ANAN( All Nigerian Award North Cyprus) Awards, turned out less credible than that of the previous years. What might be the cause of the decline in the credibility of  the Awards, a feedback is demanded in order to understand the causes of such decline.

On the 19th of December 2014, the ANAN awards was scheduled for 19:00, but began at 21:00. Perhaps the Nigerian Mentality has becomes an integral part of our social norms, which makes it very difficult to be eliminated in our social up-bring. On the contrary, the impact of the environment we find our selves is more likely to sustain the habit.

Despite the minimal numbers, dissimilar to the previous year, a series of events took place, with popular Comedian, M.I Emeka taking the honorary role of the M.C for the day. Later on, a balance was set with  I-lite presenter. A Chain of entertaining events took place including Music, Comedy,choreography and a Premier lunch of a new song by popular artist, Elbee. Other artists such as Kevin Tita, Young Tizzer were all part of the entertainers for the Day. All things equal, the unique performance of each participant, illustrated the dedication Nigerians have, when it comes to the Art of Music. Mr. OG's group was unquestionably exceptional, he deserved the award he received,

Music has no doubt become part of the Social fabric all over the globe, both as a mean  of earning a living, and of maintaining a lively atmosphere.

However, drawing our attention to  the Awards giving, the mode of presentation was neither organized, moral,ethical nor democratic. Although in recent years, students complained of the lack of transparency in Awards giving, but it was not as severe as that of the year before.

Although we cannot deny the fact that the ANAN Award has become a fixed platform for talented Nigerians, to showcase their talents, but the undemocratic nature of the nomination is more likely to alter, the sentiments of Nigerians. The Probable outcome  of the democratic deficit could create disinterest for the ANAN Project in entirety.

According to the opinion poll from the audience that attended the Award Night, 70% were disappointed, another 15% were discouraged while the rest accepted that the whole event for the night was neither good nor bad. The absence of good co-ordination of the event also proves, how trivial the Awards Night is thought to be.

Does that mean that the terminology itself, was just a mere facade created to win the Hearts of Nigerians, and let a few fixed Nominees to take their Awards home?

This is a question which the audience would very much want to receive a feedback.

Monday, December 15, 2014


Today will mark  the beginning of sharing new students ID Cards in Eastern Mediterranean University. According to Ibrahim Ozturk, Students Council Chairman, the new registered students will be given first priority, after which the rest of the students would receive their ID Cards. The sharing would be administered by the registration office. Moreover, the new IDs have lots of advantages dissimilar that of the previous years. In simple terms, it will make our lives much more easier, because of the discount opportunities and other beneficial opportunities. It can be used both in Turkey and other parts of the World.

Last year the fee for obtaining an ID was 50TL, then reduced to 20 TL. This year,  ID cards would be shared at no cost. Students can deposit as much money needed into the ID Card, and further use as it appeals to them.

In addition, a meeting had taken place between the government Hospital and the University authority in regards to the 25TL fee taken from students by public Hospital, and a solution has been reached. Mr Ozturk further states that, as soon as a student submits a receipt of payment to the University account office, payments would be made. The visual image below is a sample of the ID-Card.

Technology, the most important force of globalization has indeed turned the World into a global village.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

13year old Girl Runs Away From Home With Suspected Lover

A 13-year-old girl, Chikwuo Ezennia, has reportedly fled her house with a man, yet to be identified, but suspected to be her lover.
The little girl, who came to Lagos from Nneni village in the Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State to spend her holiday with her relatives, however fled her relatives’ apartment in the afternoon of Thursday, November 20, with a man, when the family had gone out, Punch reports.
Ezennia, who speaks only Igbo fluently, and had a record of fleeing home to stay with men when she was in the village in Anambra, was said to have told the neighbours that her aunt maltreated her and had travelled away for a week. Hence, she would be staying with a friend during that period.
And according to her aunt:
Ezennia is just 13, but she looks big enough to be called a man’s wife. If you see her, you will think she is a lady. She just came from the village to spend some time with us and she is supposed to go back this December. But since that Thursday, we have yet to find her.
The reason I suspect she may be with a lover is because of some recent developments. Just a week before that incident, I travelled to Benue for a programme, and she was alone with my children in the house. There is a phone that my children use which contains only my number and my husband’s.
“But when she fled home and we started the search, I picked up the phone and to my surprise, I saw a string of strange numbers.
The children said Ezennia used the phone when I travelled… I wondered who she might have been calling since she is new in Lagos.”
Hmm!!! 13year old uh?