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Thursday, November 20, 2014

NSS Handing Over Ceremony Held Today

The outgoing president of the Nigerian student society Samuel Omale handed over the files and documents of the association today at the new NSS office at BEA 169, and all the cabinet members introduced theirselves to the congress, and beside that appointment letter has been given to the 33 senate members.
The handover was just a mere handover because the outgoing president just showed the current president the association files and documents in the office drawer instead of hand to hand delivery, and his treasurer hand over the association funds to the new treasurer the sum of 130TL, and the sum of 650TL was given out as a loan to some Nigerian students during the last tenure and where not yet been paid back. The handing over only had the attendance of few of the last administration excos. Moreover Comrade philip oshioks also gives a congratulatory speech at the occassion and stated that on the election day after the announcement of the result, he has given the newly elect president Comrade Salim Ringim his manifesto agendas for him to check and select if he could find something to make use of during his regime,  At the end of the ceremony the outgoing president congratulate the new elected president.

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