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Monday, October 26, 2015

Exposé: Characteristic Traits of a Student Leader Part 1 [OPINION]

Student leaders are no longer a luxury in our educational world, but rather a necessity. Any successful ensemble is made up of a strong director and a committed group of responsible and dedicated student leaders.

Students are usually "eager" to assume the leadership roles, but are they "capable" of assuming the responsibilities that accompany the real leadership agenda? Do they truly understand the personal price of leadership? The election process cannot be taken lightly; for the student leaders will often
determine the attitude, the atmosphere, and the level-of-achievement for the entire organization; they are the pace-setters for every member of the ensemble.

So many factors enter into this important choice. Are the candidates competent? Are they emotionally secure? Will they assume a leadership posture both in and out of the political and election environment? Can they handle stress and pressure? Are they willing to make decisions that are not self-serving, but focused on their followers? Do they accept criticism and learn from their mistakes? Are they selfless rather than selfish? Ultimately, will they serve as positive role models for each and every Nigerian student?

These are not easy questions to answer, but they are crucially important inquisitions, for it is unfair to everyone to assign leadership responsibilities to an individual who has not developed the level of maturity needed to assume the added responsibilities associated with productive leadership.

If a student leader does not accomplish the given task, it can (and often does) have a negative impact on all the followers; and the consequences can range from outward hostility to exclusion from the group. In extreme cases, the wounded student leaders will make a decision to never be put in a similar situation where he/she will be subject to such personal pain. They choose to side-step any leadership responsibilities in the future.

Metaphorically, we do not pick a tomato from a garden until it is ripe, for it will be of no value to anyone. It is impossible to place the prematurely picked vegetable back on the mother-plant. Likewise a student leader who is not ready (not ripe) will be incapable of surviving the pressure and stress of leadership if he/she has not grown to the necessary stage of leadership maturity. There is an art to the election process and a good student leader often has the below traits to watch out for:

* SELFLESS Watch for the students who are always taking the time to help those around them. You can quickly identify this important trait, "consideration-for-others," by simply observing their behavior before and after anything.

* PERSISTENT Tenacity is an attribute necessary for attaining excellence at any discipline. Many people will begin a new endeavor with a sense of positive enthusiasm, but We are not measured by what we begin, but what we complete.

* CONSISTENT Most student leaders are at a time in their lives when they are establishing their personal habits and their life-values; they are truly deciding "who they are." Dreams, goals and desires can shift radically from one day to the next. Pinpoint the student who is predictable and demonstrates emotional stability; those who can "stay the course."

* AFFABLE It is often tempting to favor the student leader who is talented, and this is certainly an important aspect of his/her qualifications, however it is VITAL for the student leader to have a healthy rapport with the other members of the organization. Popularity aside, the chosen student leader must be recognized and respected by the majority of the group.

* HONEST Slighting-the-truth is commonplace. The student who avoids the temptation to exaggerate or embellish the truth and is willing to accept the consequences that often accompany honesty is a rare commodity. Everyone will benefit from being in the presence of a person who demonstrates such personal integrity.
* FAITHFUL-LOYAL "United we stand, divided we fall." This well-worn phrase is still classic advice for every leader. The students who are always tried-and-true loyalists are your best nominees for student leadership positions.

EDITORS NOTE: These six personality traits are only a starting point; however they will establish a strong foundation for the election-qualifications of any student leader. So chose wisely and always make sure that the person you are selecting is a person of integrity and has excellent human relations.

*to be continued..

credits to scantygela blog

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