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Thursday, January 14, 2016


1. Nope, these aren't what you you think. We've got to applaud this selfie takers ingenuity, even if that'a a shameless waste of a perfectly good tank top. Let's hope the resultant selfie was just for laughs and not meant as a legitimate profile pic.
We're inclined to think the former considering the selfie taker seeming perfectly happy with being snapped by a bathroom buddy in their deceiving pose. A nifty little photo trick that's well worth a laugh, just be prepared to stretch a few vests and tees out in the process.
Nobody's really sure what's going on here, other than sheer voyeurism. These kind of images are a stalwart of pop-up banners and headline spouting sidebars, but the unwitting models of these snaps aren't always happy to be the click bait for thousands of anonymous internet users.

3. Misleading makeover

In the hunt for a quick cosmetic fix, we've all been duped by airbrushed before and after ads before, but we can't help but notice the model in question might have had a little more help then a touch of foundation in question. While we can't question the result of the makeover, it's a bit of a leap of the imagination that a product designed to blend and blemish comes bolstered with smoky eye shadow, blush and false lashes to boot.


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