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Thursday, March 17, 2016

These Identical Twins Share A Boyfriend, And Now They Want To Have Identical Babies


Identical twins behold the same kind of mystery to me as unicorns. 
Can you imagine wandering around, living your life, knowing full well that there’s someone else out there wearing your face that you just happened to share the same womb with. It’s nothing short of creepy, and I’m pretty sure that Lindsay Lohan’s starring role in ‘The Parent Trap’ was probably what sent her over the edge in the first place.
lindsay lohan
Some identical twins however have managed to get over the whole “argh, you stole my looks at birth” thing and actually kind of enjoy each others company. Like 30-year-old sisters Anna and Lucy DeCinque from Perth, Australia. The twins are actually so similar, that they’ve gone as far as sharing the same boyfriend, a lucky lad called Ben Byrne, who they claim understands that they “want to be together all the time.”

But not happy with sharing the same features and penis, the girls have taken it one step further by telling Aussie chat show The Insight that they even need to be pregnant at the same time. Anna said:
“If I got pregnant Lucy would definitely get pregnant straight way – because our bodies need to be the same. We would try to make that happen, definitely. We are not trying right now – we love children and kids love us, but it’s not the time for us. We would have to be exactly the same – even if we went through IVF at the same time.”
There is going to be a whole lot of hormones flying around when the time finally comes. Hang on, is that actually incest? 

The girls have even had cosmetic surgery to enhance their “identicalness”, and of course their boyfriend Ben is a twin too – just not an identical one.
Listen to the girls talking about their relationship here:

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