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Tuesday, January 27, 2015


followıng the preparation of the establıshment of NANS TURKISH ZONE here ın north cyprus.. the EMU NSS have today release a Press Release statement adressıng the congress ıts dıassocıatıon from the so called NANS the statement was made by the NSS presıdent Comrade Hamza Rıngım thıs evenıng. through the unıon's public relation officer, Mr Henry I
here is the statement below:


There has been an open agenda to forge a branch that is said to become a branch of NANS (National Association of Nigerian Students) Turkish Zone. According to an official letter received from the proponents. The following countries are the countries they claim to represent.

It says: “Turkey, North Cyprus, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Greece, Kosovo, The Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Syria, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan”

 Moreover, false News in regards to the endorsement of the Association in North Cyprus has also been uttered to the general public. We would like to bring to the acknowledgement of Nigerian Students, that this open attempt neither has concrete evidence, democratic credibility, legitimacy nor official recognition from the Nigerian government nor from the National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS). However, the Nigerian Students Society of Eastern Mediterranean University has a due process based on the supremacy of the NANS constitution. Our doors are open to all Nigerians, because we the (Nigerian Students Society) represent the common interest of Nigerians, based on a popular mandate.

The rumor of a new Association that has been spreading around is nothing but a false conjecture that lacks solid evidences. In fact, the undemocratic route followed by the authors, suggests that Self-interested agenda is visible.

We, the Nigerian Students Society of Eastern Mediterranean University would like to declare our disassociation with the so-called “NANS Turkish Zone”. Therefore, we call upon all the Nigerian Students in Eastern Mediterranean University to disregard all associations, besides the Nigerian Students Society.

Long live Nigerian Students Society,

Long Live Eastern Mediterranean University,

Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    Yours in struggle

                                                                                                       Salim Hamza Ringim

NSS President EMU.

No govt can fix Nigeria in 4 years – Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan has declared that there no government could solve Nigeria’s problems within four years.
The president made this declaration, yesterday when he paid a courtesy call on the Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji Ibrahim Sulu Gambari in continuation of his re-election campaign.
He emphasised that beyond tackling the Boko Haram insurgency, his administration was addressing other challenges in several sectors of the economy, including creating jobs through diverse means.
He said: “Beyond tackling the insurgency, we are creating road networks; we are moving faster in several sectors. There is no way within four years any government can finish the programmes of this country”.
The President’s declaration contrasted sharply with his previous remark over four years ago in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Jonathan had while interacting with Nigerians in Addis-Ababa, in February 2011, promised that if voted in for the next four years, he would ensure significant improvement in power, especially.
He had said: “Without security, there is no government. So it is not debatable, it is something we have to address and we are working towards that with vigour.
“But if I’m voted into power within the next four years, the issue of power will become a thing of the past.
“Four years is enough for anyone in power to make significant improvement and if I can’t improve on power within this period, it then means I cannot do anything even if I am there for the next four years.”
The president disclosed that the military would take delivery of additional equipment beginning this week as part of his administration’s efforts towards containing the Boko Haram insurgency.
He expressed optimism that this would enable the country to move faster in another two weeks in curtailing the insurgency.
“We have been to many states, in Abuja, Sokoko, Gombe, Kano and Niger States and the north-east states of Yobe, Borno and Adamawa where we are battling insurgency.
“And we will surely give it a halt. We are creating platform for our military and in another two weeks, we would move faster than we have been moving before”, Jonathan said.
Jonathan added: “We have intervened in several programmes especially in the area of agriculture. We are committed to moving this country forward, to create jobs for the country through diverse means.
“We are working very hard to create jobs for our youths, we are encouraging the growth of small and medium enterprises in order to improve our economy and create wealth for the people”.
Jonathan noted that he was at the emir’s palace to personally inform the royal father that he was running for his “remaining time” in office.
“Today, we are here in this state for a political rally. Your Royal Highness, we are here for a purpose. We have been here for a number of times. 2011, I was here. After that, I have been here.
“Today, we are here for the same mission that brought us in 2011. Even though you must have heard before, I’m here to personally tell you that I am running for my remaining time in office with my vice president who would continue to be my running mate”.
He introduced the gubernatorial candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the state, Senator Simeon Ajibola to the emir, and pledged that the people of Kwara State would continue to enjoy freedom and quality of life, if they vote in the PDP candidates.
In his remarks, the emir said having observed Jonathan’s performance over the years, he was convinced that he had done well.
He prayed God to crown Jonathan’s efforts with success and called on politicians to conduct their campaigns without violence.

Monday, January 26, 2015


The NSS end of semester party is coming up on the 3rd of feb. 2015 @club30 that is the former club pulse, fee is 20tl for guys and free entrance for the ladies, BBQ, FREE MASK, FREE SHOT gonna be free,,
its gonna be massive, dont misss it be there!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


The OODUA Progressive Union, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus is coming up with its official  launching by the leaders of the OODUA of Nigeria, the Launching is coming up on the 3rd of February by 6pm at the EMU beach club.....important issues are going to be discussed, so your presence is highly needed and will be appreciated.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


"THE SEAT" interview with Ridwan, couch tv presenter with the current NSS President Mr hamza Ringim, its the part one of the interview, the second part would be released after the semester exam as stated by the presenter Mr Ridwan. click on the link below to watch the interview.


On the 16th ofjJanuary debate titled "who do you think should be the next Nigerian President" and why...." was held.

      On the 16th of January organised by the Nigerian student society was held in the school at Eastern Mediterranean University and the opening remarks was given by the NSS education director Mr Kufre.debate titled  "who do you think should be the next Nigerian President" and why...." encompasses  two sides. namely the jonathan sympathizers and Buhari sympathizers, each side argued in favor of its preferrded candidate for the 2015 Presidential election oin Nigeria. Moreover each sides expressed their points about who the next president of the federal republic of Nigeria should be; and the reasons why. Cheering the Debate are two neutral judges present to evaluate the argument between the two teams, in compatibility with academic accuracy (time management, presentation skills, etc,).
    interestingly. the turn out of the audience was encouraging, simultaneously questions where recieved from the audience and answered by the both speakers,
   At the end of the debate the result was announced by the Judges as evaluated and at the end of the debate Buhari sympathizers has been declared the winners of the debate for getting the sum of 42 points and 41 for the Jonathan sympathizers respectively, the outcome of the results reveals both sides enthusiastic performance
at last certificates has been awarded to both the two sides participants for their enthusiastic participation. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015


The Nigerian students society's calendar for January to May schedule has been released by the office of the public relation officer of the assosiation. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Final Examination Period Library Hours:

During the Final Exams period, (19 Januray – 03 February, 2015) the Library hours will be as shown below.17, 18 January: Open 24 Hours10:00 – 22:00 : All sections22:00 – 10:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors19 – 23 January: Open 24 Hours09:00 – 01:00 : All sections01:00 – 09:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors24, 25 January: Open 24 Hours10:00 – 22:00 : All sections22:00 – 10:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors26 - 30 January: Open 24 Hours09:00 – 01:00 : All sections01:00 – 09:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors31 Jan., 01 Feb.: Open 24 Hours09:00 – 22:00 : All sections22:00 – 10:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors02 February: Open 24 Hours09:00 – 01:00 : All sections01:00 – 09:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floorsBook Borrowing (in weekdays) : 09:00 – 17:00Book Borrowing ( Sat. & Sundays) : CLOSED


Tuesday, January 13, 2015


 According to a final verdict given by the Court, Prof. Dr OSAM NECDET has been re-appointed as the Eastern Mediterranean University Rector. Moreover, problems in regards  to Diploma has also been solved. We congractulate our Fall-semester graduates for the 2015 Academic Year. We also wish our students all the best, as the final Exams are fast approaching.


Saturday, January 10, 2015


Following the political momentum back home as regards Feb. 14th 2015; Nigeria's Presidential election primarily between President Goodluck Jonathan and an Ex head of states; Muhamadu Buhari, the educational department of the Nigerian Students Society(NSS), EMU chapter have decided to come up with a debate on whose mandate between the two personalities would Nigeria have a better feel of purposeful and visionary leadership. The debate is slated ON THE 16TH JANUARY @ Activity center Hall near the school main library.
Interested participants are thereby advised to form groups of similar interest and place a call to the Director of Education on 05338877843 for further directives. A price for the winning team will be announced later as well. We're looking forward to a thrilling and exciting debate..