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Saturday, January 17, 2015


On the 16th ofjJanuary debate titled "who do you think should be the next Nigerian President" and why...." was held.

      On the 16th of January organised by the Nigerian student society was held in the school at Eastern Mediterranean University and the opening remarks was given by the NSS education director Mr Kufre.debate titled  "who do you think should be the next Nigerian President" and why...." encompasses  two sides. namely the jonathan sympathizers and Buhari sympathizers, each side argued in favor of its preferrded candidate for the 2015 Presidential election oin Nigeria. Moreover each sides expressed their points about who the next president of the federal republic of Nigeria should be; and the reasons why. Cheering the Debate are two neutral judges present to evaluate the argument between the two teams, in compatibility with academic accuracy (time management, presentation skills, etc,).
    interestingly. the turn out of the audience was encouraging, simultaneously questions where recieved from the audience and answered by the both speakers,
   At the end of the debate the result was announced by the Judges as evaluated and at the end of the debate Buhari sympathizers has been declared the winners of the debate for getting the sum of 42 points and 41 for the Jonathan sympathizers respectively, the outcome of the results reveals both sides enthusiastic performance
at last certificates has been awarded to both the two sides participants for their enthusiastic participation. 

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