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Tuesday, January 27, 2015


followıng the preparation of the establıshment of NANS TURKISH ZONE here ın north cyprus.. the EMU NSS have today release a Press Release statement adressıng the congress ıts dıassocıatıon from the so called NANS the statement was made by the NSS presıdent Comrade Hamza Rıngım thıs evenıng. through the unıon's public relation officer, Mr Henry I
here is the statement below:


There has been an open agenda to forge a branch that is said to become a branch of NANS (National Association of Nigerian Students) Turkish Zone. According to an official letter received from the proponents. The following countries are the countries they claim to represent.

It says: “Turkey, North Cyprus, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Greece, Kosovo, The Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Syria, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan”

 Moreover, false News in regards to the endorsement of the Association in North Cyprus has also been uttered to the general public. We would like to bring to the acknowledgement of Nigerian Students, that this open attempt neither has concrete evidence, democratic credibility, legitimacy nor official recognition from the Nigerian government nor from the National Association of Nigeria Students (NANS). However, the Nigerian Students Society of Eastern Mediterranean University has a due process based on the supremacy of the NANS constitution. Our doors are open to all Nigerians, because we the (Nigerian Students Society) represent the common interest of Nigerians, based on a popular mandate.

The rumor of a new Association that has been spreading around is nothing but a false conjecture that lacks solid evidences. In fact, the undemocratic route followed by the authors, suggests that Self-interested agenda is visible.

We, the Nigerian Students Society of Eastern Mediterranean University would like to declare our disassociation with the so-called “NANS Turkish Zone”. Therefore, we call upon all the Nigerian Students in Eastern Mediterranean University to disregard all associations, besides the Nigerian Students Society.

Long live Nigerian Students Society,

Long Live Eastern Mediterranean University,

Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    Yours in struggle

                                                                                                       Salim Hamza Ringim

NSS President EMU.

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