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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Eastern Mediterranean University: Regulate Famagusta rent and living cost· CLICK & Sign the PETITION

Every year thousands of students come to TRNC to get education because they consider as TRNC good option due to its low living cost and environment . With lack of financial opportunities in this island students contribute most of their time in studying to get a degree and minor social activities around the city of Famagusta. But during recent months regulatory bodies have been doing nothing to maintain the living cost on this island. The landlord are increasing their rent every semester without any ethical reason, markets are rising the food prices every months, things are becoming expensive with a greed of getting more profit from new incoming students. They should realize the money is being sent from our sponsors and parents and we do not have much expense adjustment with low university hourly wage rate as assistant if we get one. Frustrated students does not have any option to make a complain to anyone due to lack of consumer rights association or governmental body. This is petition is towards the Eastern Mediterranean University committee and Famagusta Municipality to stabilize the rents and other significant aspect so that the student can have good scope of studying peacefully and help to get rid of unethical businessmen's by setting up a consideration meeting with them to make strict rules on house agreements. With lack of working student council and body this petition is started to get then attention of concern authority to give provision to international students and listen their needs and demands.
Rector's Office, Famagusta Municipality Eastern Mediterranean University
Setup a committee to regulate house rents and market commodity prices

click on the link below to cast your vote on this issue..

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