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Sunday, September 13, 2015


Cypriot Experts,express their worries about the harm that Narcotic drug,most especially the substance known as "synthetic cannabinoid" brings to the health of their people.The say its posing a great danger to the health stability of their people.

Esra rightly mentions; the most dangerous,hazardous and addictive substance,likely either lead to a brain dysfunction or even pave a way for death is the "synthetic cannabinoid". she says that it has brought our country to point of the  worst nightmare ever.Despite, the changes in the severeness of the punishment by tribunals when found with it,they are finding it difficult to put a stop to increasing use of drugs.

Once more,we feel very sad about, the findings of the team from the Narcotics Department.Last July, 112 cartons of synthetic cannabinoid was found in the area of Guzelyurt.

The Rule of Law President,Attorney Barış Mamalı says that spread of the substance is a very serious issue. He also recorded that the spread implies, that the trading of this substance within the confines of our soil is an obvious encouter, which is in front of us.

According to Dr. Özcan Hüdaverdi, the rate of drugs consumption on our soil has multplied over the last years.Most especially, the consumption of synthetic cannabinoid. he further stresses that the senetic substance can lead severe psychological problems, cadiac arrest,reduction in seminal fluid production and even can lead to death.

In an explanation made by two anti-Drrugs activists, USAM and President Ayse Gokyigit. There have been 4 deaths of young people in their 20s, during this year, 2015, resulting from Drug addiction.The deaths of young people in their early 20s, makes it a priority upon us, to take the issue of Drugs consumption very seriously.



Anonymous said...

I love to smoke Bonzai and it isn't dangerous

Anonymous said...

You are so stupid
It makes you gaga in your brain

Anonymous said...

But it makes me high :-)

Unknown said...
