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Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Its been a culture of the student to abstain themselves from social networks especially facebook, twitter and other social networks, but in this semesters exam here in EMU, the thing changed with an interesting game that attracts the attention of most of the students on the social networks. The prank started yesterday when some students started stalking their friend's facebook account and started liking and commenting on old pictures of about 2 to 3 years back, this throwback make some fun on the social media especially facebook between Monday evening till now, some of the spotted pictures include the old pictures of the NSS president, Comrade Salim, his vice president, and his secretary. also the pictures of Cyprus base artists ELbee, T Bone, and Comedians like MC Jeryy, S.O.S, BOFFY, K-Stanz and some of the media Personnel like CEO of CouchTV, Mr Ridwan, CEO IliteTv Mr Caleb and many students of Eastern Mediterranean University and beyond. at last, Magaji, Federick and Kingesely from pharmacy department, are some of students that started the throw back game.


                                                                           MC JERRY


                                                         T BONE

                                               NSS vice President
                                                  NSS secretary general



Friday, June 26, 2015

Same Sex marriage is now legal in U.S

Same sex marriage is now legal in the entire US after a Supreme Court ruling striking down state marriage bans.
The ruling means all US states must grant marriage licences to gay and lesbian couples and recognise marriages that have taken place in other states.
In 1996, the US Congress passed and President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, a law that prohibited federal recognition of same-sex marriages.
In 2003, Massachusetts judges ruled the state constitution allowed gay marriage, and marriage licences followed shortly after that. In the following years, a handful of states passed gay marriage bans while others began working towards allowing same-sex unions - either by court order or legislation.
One high-profile ban occurred by referendum in California in 2008 after courts had previously allowed same-sex marriage.
This continued across the US until the Supreme Court heard a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013.
What did justices have to decide in this case?
The justices, who had previously have stopped short of resolving the question of same-sex marriage nationally, had to consider whether or not states are constitutionally required to issue marriage licences and if states are required to recognise same-sex marriages performed elsewhere.
How many states previously allowed same-sex unions?
Before the ruling, thirty-six states were issuing marriage licences to same-sex couples, as well as Washington DC, which sets its own marriage laws but is not legally a state.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

US Senate approves bill which paves way for sale of military equipment to Cyprus

Bill HR 1735, which was voted with 71 votes for and 25 against focuses on the US National Defence and was adopted by the House of Representatives in May.
Friday, 19 June, 2015
The US Senate has approved a bill which paves the way for the export to Cyprus of defense articles and defense services to the armed forces of the country, reports the Cyprus News Agency.

Bill HR 1735, which was voted with 71 votes for and 25 against focuses on the US National Defence and was adopted by the House of Representatives in May.

The bill includes an amendment on Cyprus which asks the Secretary of Defence and the Secretary of State within 90 days to jointly submit “to the appropriate congressional committees an assessment of the military capability of the Republic of Cyprus to defend against threats to its national security, including threats posed by hostile foreign governments and international terrorist groups”.

famagusta gazette

President: I look forward to work with my friend Akinci to finally reunite Cyprus

President Anastasiades attended Thursday evening the reception hosted by USA Ambassador in Nicosia John Koenig on the occasion of the 239th anniversary of USA Independence.
Friday, 19 June, 2015
"I look forward to intensively working with my friend Mustafa Akinci to finally reunite our homeland, free from foreign troops, and for Greek and Turkish Cypriots to peacefully live and co-exist together once again, as they had done so for centuries", President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades stressed here today.

President Anastasiades attended Thursday evening the reception hosted by USA Ambassador in Nicosia John Koenig on the occasion of the 239th anniversary of USA Independence.

In his address President Anastasiades noted that the core values enshrined in the United States Declaration of Independence, ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’, form the fundamental beliefs and constitutional principles not only of America but of so many other modern, democratic nations around the world, indicating that Cyprus is no exception to that.

famagusta gazette

Thursday, June 18, 2015


During the Final Exams period, (22 June – 04 July, 2015) the Library hours will be as shown below.
  • 20, 21 June: Open 24 Hours
    • 10:00 – 22:00 : All sections
    • 22:00 – 10:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors
  • 22 – 26 June: Open 24 Hours
    • 09:00 – 01:00 : All sections
    • 01:00 – 09:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors
  • 27, 28 June: Open 24 Hours
    • 10:00 – 22:00 : All sections
    • 22:00 – 10:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors
  • 29 - 30 June: Open 24 Hours
    • 09:00 – 01:00 : All sections
    • 01:00 – 09:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors
  • 01 - 03 July: Open 24 Hours
    • 09:00 – 01:00 : All sections
    • 01:00 – 09:00: Study Areas; ground &1st  floors
Book Borrowing (in weekdays) : 09:00 – 17:00
Book Borrowing ( Sat. & Sundays) : CLOSED#

source : emu library web page

China bans Ramadan fasting in mainly Muslim region...

Uighur rights groups say China's restrictions on Islam in Xinjiang have added to violent ethnic tensions in the region [AP]

China has banned civil servants, students and teachers in its mainly Muslim Xinjiang region from fasting during Ramadan and ordered restaurants to stay open.
Most Muslims are required to fast from dawn to dusk during the holy month, which began on Thursday, but China's ruling Communist party is officially atheist and for years has restricted the practice in Xinjiang, home to the mostly Muslim Uighur minority.
"Food service workplaces will operate normal hours during Ramadan," said a notice posted last week on the website of the state Food and Drug Administration in Xinjiang's Jinghe county.
Officials in the region's Bole county were told: "During Ramadan do not engage in fasting, vigils or other religious activities," according to a local government website report of a meeting this week.

Each year, the authorities' attempt to ban fasting among Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang receives widespread criticism from rights groups.
Uighur rights groups say China's restrictions on Islam in Xinjiang have added to ethnic tensions in the region, where clashes have killed hundreds in recent years.
China says it faces a "terrorist threat" in Xinjiang, with officials blaming "religious extremism" for the growing violence.
"China's goal in prohibiting fasting is to forcibly move Uighurs away from their Muslim culture during Ramadan," said Dilxat Rexit, a spokesman for the exiled World Uyghur Congress.
"Policies that prohibit religious fasting is a provocation and will only lead to instability and conflict."
As in previous years, school children were included in directives limiting Ramadan fasting and other religious observances.
The education bureau of Tarbaghatay city, known as Tacheng in Chinese, this month ordered schools to communicate to students that "during Ramadan, ethnic minority students do not fast, do not enter mosques ... and do not attend religious activities".


Transportation, Bus Service map and hours

Important Notice
Please be informed that during the Final Exams period taking place between 20 June and 4 July 2015, bus services for routes 2,  3, and 4 will commence at 08.00 a.m. on Saturdays.

As a campus- city university, Eastern Mediterranean University is fully dedicated to providing efficient and dynamic transportation services to its students 60% of whom reside in different parts of the city. The university transportation services, both on and off the campus, are offered free of charge for our students. Our developed and highly dynamic fleet provides transportation services to various city zones through 5 distinct routes. Students can also benefit from non-stop on-campus ring services scheduled in line with the class hours. The University also provides transportation services for academic or promotional events as well as trips taking place within the framework of the civic involvement projects.

Intense Bus Services

Source :