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Wednesday, June 17, 2015


We might have heard lots of things either from friends,  Muslim neighborhood, news magazine or  even video reports about Ramadan.

 But, what really is Ramadan, and what does it entail?

The month of Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar,when Muslims fast for a period of 29/30 days. According to the basis of Islamic principles, it is the 3rd pillar of the Islamic faith. upon sighting the moon, Muslims from every part of the World, start fasting. It lasts from, sunlight to sunset, refraining from food, drink, and other sorts of immoralities, even of the slightest form. we might be wondering, what the significance of the month is to Muslims.

  According relevant primary source (Qur'an) and secondary source (Hadith) it is a form of Purification of the Soul and the entire body system. it is a healthy spiritual act that sets a balance between the Human carnal self and the Body.It enables mankind to realize the significance of his very healthy existence; by looking through and developing empathy for the less privileged. There is a saying that, it is only through experience, that we can actually understand and feel all that how the less privileged are going or have gone through. Moreover, Muslims share, lots of kind gestures, enjoin regular invitation of guests. Both Muslims and non-Muslims come together to share a sense of togetherness on the-same table. finally, it is a form of self-restrain, or as it is called in Arabic ''Jihadi-Nafs'' .In so doing, a collective sense of belonging is set in motion. Tomorrow will hopefully, mark the first day of the sacred month. finally,

We would like to extend our best wishes to Muslims from all over the World a happy Ramadan.