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Monday, July 13, 2015


After the allegations raised against Comrade Jubril Arogundade Bankole, on saturday at the NANS TRzone senate meeting, he claim not guilty where he re-affirm himself as the vice president and also the acting president of NANS TURKISH ZONE, until the suspension issue with the national is been lift up" as he re-affirm on a phone call with our correspondents earlier this afternoon.  In a press briefing held at Evolve park in magusa on sunday, Comrade Bankole addressed the press that he is not going to step down from his position as the vice president of NANS TRZone, because of some reasons which he said that he has been appointed as the vice president by the national body, so no one has the right to impeached him,
We asked comrade Jubril that, what can he say about the allegations raised against him pertaining the sending of voice recording of their meetings and false messages to the national body in Nigeria that they accused him of?
"i did not record or send anything to Nigeria, rather i am an IT student, am not a fool, let them bring the recording as a proof and the IP address of the message" jubril said, and he said pertaining the issue of the mismatched signature of the letter that was given to the association on the day of their inauguration and the letter of Jubril's appointment as the acting president, after the letter of the president's impeachment, which he said the first letter was not signed by the  NANS national body president, he said the president said the letter should be signed on behalf of him, but comrade jubril doesn't exactly know who signed the letter, so that's why the signatures are different.
comrade Bankole also clarify the issue of the impeachment which he said it is a beef between him and the current administration of NSS EMU, that is the administration of comrade Salim Ringim, who is the senate president of NANS TRZone, Jubril said as a result of this beef that is why they are pushing of his impeachment.

also comrade David who was the financial secretary was silent since his impeachment by the senate on saturday, after he prove not guilty, and failed to come back to the meeting  after 10 minutes of his departure, as he said,

does that mean comrade David accepts his Impeachment as the financial secretary?

Does that mean Comrade Jubril is still the Vice President of NANS Turkish zone ?

And is it possible for a person to have two position at same time, the position of Vice President and acting President?

or does this signifies that NANS TRZone is becoming lawless association? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

confused people lmaoooo. fuck all of you