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Tuesday, November 10, 2015


In remembrance of the demise of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk; a leader who lived a distinguished life by exceptional courage, nobility and strength, today 10th of November 2015 as marked annually is a special day of recollection for all Turkish and Turkish Cypriot citizens. The ceremony today in honor of him was organized by Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam, the Acting Rector of Eastern Mediterranean University North Cyprus. The event held at the center of central lecture hall in front of the Commemorative statue of Ataturk. In attendance were academic, non academic staff and university students. The peak of the event was the descendance of the flags at 9:05a.m; the exact time of the departure of the great hero, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. In effect all flags were brought half way down simultaneously and minutes of silence was observed, after which the national anthem and memorial songs was delivered.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was born on the 12th of March 1881, he lived his whole life serving his people; because of his service to humanity and the people of Turkey, he was nicknamed “father of the Turks”. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk passed away on the 10th of November 1938 at 9:05a.m in Istanbul.  He was buried temporary at the Ethnographic museum in Ankara on the 12th of November 1938 and was permanently buried with a grand ceremony on the 10th of November 1953.
Ataturk touched the life of fellow countrymen in many ways through religion, education, economy and social aspect of the country like the abolishment of sultanate, declaration of a republic, abolishment of the caliphate, gender equality, introduction of western dresses, Women’s suffrage, revolution of head gear and outfit, closed dervish lodge and shrines, surname law, abolished nick names, pious and royal titles, adoption of international calendar, time and measurement, abolishment of canon law, instating of the new Turkish civil and legislation code, integration of education, adoption of new Turkish alphabet, establishment of Turkish language, historical societies and organization of university education. With so many achievements, it is understandable why he is still remembered after over a hundred years and will still be for many generations to come.



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