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Tuesday, November 10, 2015


The newly elected NSS PRESIDENT, Comr. Farouk Madaka today visited EMU vice rector Prof Dr Hasan Amca in his office, the president was together with his entire cabinet members and the Incumbent NSS president Comr. Salim Ringim, after the incumbent President introduces the President elect and his cabinet to the vice rector, Prof Hasan Amca congratulates them for their successful victory of winning the election and also urge them to work to the best of their ability to see that they serve nigerians in a better way, the vice rector also recommends the outgoing administration of Salim for their outstanding efforts and indulgence during their stay in office,
Prof. Hasan Amca also express his happiness about the performance of Nigerian students both academically and morally compared to the past, which he advised the president elect to try and maintain the good status within. In his speech, the president elect, Madaka Farouk also express his happiness for the kind courtesy showed to them, and also assured that him and his team are ready to serve Nigerians to the best of their ability
     Beside that, the elected cabinet members also paid a visit to the coordinator of International office Mr Ulas Gokce, which he congratulates the president elect and also advice him to make sure that he ran an open and credible administration, Mr Ahmed Kasim, the coordinator of administrative affairs international office, also congratulates the newly elected cabinet and wished them a successful tenure.
and just after the visit, the president assured that the handing over date will soon be announced.

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