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Sunday, November 22, 2015


    It was narrated that a student of EMU was killed in Alfam Dormitory C-block on Sunday night, eyewitnesses revealed  that police and university security arrived at the scene in a speedy comportment around 23:40, few minutes after their arrival an ambulance arrived together with some doctors from the hospital accompanied with some health workers, after few minutes the police secluded the front territory of Alfam dormitory with a barricade tape, restricting entrance and exit of the students , and also sent out the entire students that are leaving on the ground floor of the dormitory,while some of the cops were inside carrying out their duties. At exactly 2:10am the corpse was brought out in a black sack and laid inside a bus, In accordance to some of the students around, it was revealed that the victim is a turkish nationale and he was killed by his friend,
We are anticipating for more niceties of the incident from the authorities responsible, and from the University, and we pray for his soul to rest in peace.
below are some pictures of the scene...


Unknown said...

that serious! may God continue to protect us

Unknown said...

Inalilahiwainaillaihi raju'un........ Wai what is wrong with emu students???? May God help us! Ameen.

Unknown said...

Nawa o