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Tuesday, April 28, 2015


On 27th of April, President Tayyip Erdoğan the newly elected President of Turkey laid down his response to newly elected Turkish Cypriot, Mustafa Akıncı for the new type of ties he seeks between Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots. he rights puts it, as saying that the relationship between Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots should be one of brother's and not a paternal subordination. His utterance implies that he demands  TRNC to be seen on the International stage as a co-actor  with Ankara; with a fraternal character. he further rejects the subordination of Turkish Republic of North Cyrus as a subordinate of Turkey. In the words of Abdullah Akıncı, stop treating us  like your "child", but on a more mature count. At a state level of analysis, President Tayipp Eroğans's reaction to Akıncı's demands in an indirect manifestation of Ankara's anticipatory intent towards the Turkish Cypriot. this could suggest a realist reaction by a pivotal power, a probable central player towards a weak subordinate.

In response,  Erdogan sends a soft power message, upon his departure for kuwait at Esenboğa Airport. He said, Akıncı should listen and comply to his utterances, as Ankara is the main source of TRNC state Budget.

"We consider Turkish Cyprus (our son) after all the sacrifices (we have made). How can he stop regarding Turkey as the motherland?" Erdoğan said in apparent indignation.

According to the treaty of Guarantee, Turkey is one of 3 guarantor powers of Cyprus of which Turkey is responsible for the Turkish Cypriots. 
 The Mediterranean Island of Cyprus was seperated in 1974 due to unforeseen circumstances. The Greek-sponsored military coup that attempted to unify the Island with Greece (ENOSIS), triggered an invasion by Turkey to provide Turkish Cypriots a safe heaven. In light of this, the TRNC officially existence was announced in 1983, but it is yet to be given an International recognition.
After 60 years of dedication and commitment by the United Nations to mediate the  resolution of Cyprus problem, a new momentum has been acquired through the seize-less effort of Special Adviser to the UN Secretary General on Cyprus Espen Barthe Eide. Last month he paid a a visit to the Island, aiming to persuade leaders of both communities namely; Turkish and Greek to restart the negotiation re-resume the negotiation process.
Akıncı's outstanding victory is a manifestation of a deep intent retain a firm stand in pushing for long-lasting peace deal between both communities, as quick as possible.

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