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Tuesday, April 14, 2015



Although it is true that being meritorious does not guarantee, that you will be more successful than your peers. However, being meritorious is the basis of career development, so also is it a criteria of success. In order to be academically successful in Eastern Mediterranean University, embarking on the routes below are encouraged:
Ø  Begin the semester with a courageous attitude(positivism)
Ø  Attend Classes regularly; punctuality is detrimental to your academic success within the semester. According to EMU curriculum a minimum of 20% is vital to passing a course. Anything below that will result in an NG (No Grade).
Ø  Clarity   of intent is the most important factor, when it comes to success.
Ø  Stay around people that will motivate you academically.
Ø  Engage thoroughly in activities that are consistent with your field, and even beyond.
Ø  Cultivate the habit of studying in the Library.
Ø  Attend Educational Conferences, organized by Eastern Mediterranean University
Ø  Revise the topics treated in Class, in order to reduce the studying work load.
Ø  Utilize the Library database resources to your own advantage.
Ø  For off-campus access acquire a username and password for infinite access to online academic resources.
Ø  Join Clubs that interest you in order to boost your academic performance and widening you scope of thought.
Ø  When you find a course, specific or specific topic difficult consult the NSS for support
Ø  Maintain a regular dialogue with the concerned Instructors.
Ø  Students that stay on-campus have unlimited access to Library On-line databases without restrictions
Ø  For students’ off-campus, you can obtain a personal username and password, which will grant you unlimited access to the online database as well.
Ø  You can lend books from the library when you need to make research, with the condition that you must adhere to the rules and regulations of the Library.

Ø  Refrain from engaging in Plagiarism. EMU has a strict disciplinary standard for Plagiarism for most Departments. Moreover, we will encourage you to refrain from such it.

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