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Monday, April 27, 2015

End of the road for Eroglu as Mustafa Akıncı wins Cyprus election

THE second ballot of the Turkish Cypriot leadership elections is over, with incumbent Dervis Eroglu having lost his position as leader.
The "President of the Supreme Electoral Council" Safak Oneri announced Independent candidate Mustafa Akıncı will serve as the head of the Turkish Cypriot community for the next five-years.

Akinci’s supporters are making their way to the "Inonu Square" to celebrate and a statement from his office said that he will be in the square to join them soon.
According to the unofficial results, Mustafa Akıncı.gained 60.83 percent, with Dervis Eroglu has picking up just 39.62 percent. The rate of participation in the election was 64.15 percent.
On hearing the final result, President Nicos Anastasiades tweeted :" The selection of  is a hopeful development for our common homeland. I look forward to have a meeting with him "

The result comes as a blow to veteran politician Eroglu, who recently announced that his target was receive 55 percent of the votes in the first round, which took place last weekend.
It is now expected that there will be a resumption of UN sponsored talks, which have been suspended since mid October 2014.

Akinci, 67, has said he would work with fresh urgency to find a peace deal.

Meanwhile, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades has reiterated that the government`s will is to enter a dialogue for the reunification of Cyprus based on mutual respect and a common desire for a European state the citizens of which will enjoy the same rights as others.

Mustafa Akıncı

Mustafa Akıncı was born 28 December 1947. At the age of 28, he became the mayor of the Turkish occupied area of Nicosia Turkish Municipality, and has also served as a member of the ‘Assembly of the Republic’, ‘Deputy Prime Minister’ and ‘Minister of Tourism’.

During the 14 years of ‘Mayorship’ of Turkish occupied Nicosia, he collaborated with the then Nicosia Mayor on the implementation of the Nicosia Sewerage Project and the Nicosia Master Plan. 

In this context, Nicosia Master Plan received the ‘World Habitat Award’ in 1989 and the ‘Aga Khan Award for Architecture’ in 2007. 

Additionally, in 2003 Akıncı and his Greek Cypriot counterpart were awarded the prestigious ‘Europa Nostra Medal of Honour’ in recognition of their consistent and successful efforts for Nicosia and its citizens during particularly difficult times, and for the preservation of the historical and architectural environment of the Walled City.

Akıncı also played a vital role in the establishment of the ‘Union of Turkish Cypriot Municipalities’, which he then became the first president.


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