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Saturday, May 30, 2015


As the most anticipated awards show in Cyprus the  ASGA Awards 2015 holds today today and tensions getting to its peak with the audience waiting to be trilled the ASA EMU Presidents led by NSS EMU president Salim Hamza decided to give a final press briefing regarding the event and this where the points passed across

PRES  Salim.
Good morning  every one
i want to say a big thank you to every one who have put in all their best to make sure this event gets its deserved momentum and thanks especially to the bloggers and press bodies who have put in thier best in making sure thy relay the message to the general public

today we the ASA would want to pass across some key point regarding the ASGA AWARDS 2015

first about the timing: this time there will be no consideration of African time so every one has to be there as early as required

RED CARPET starts: 7:00PM

Registration Of Nominees will start 7:00PM to 7:30PM (nominees who are not registered will not be called on stage due to their absence so be on time)

 7:30PM to 8:00PM Special Cocktail With  Invited Guests (Nigerian ambassador, University rectors and minister of foreign  affairs of Eritrea )

due to the complaints gotten from the international office and the vice rector regarding the previously hosted ANAN awards which had a display of inappropriate behavior by some artist and comedians who decided to take of tier clothing during their performance while in presence of important and mature dignitaries the ASA has concluded that the event will be based on culture but will also touch other aspects but this time it will be more of a cultural display from all the african countries because its all about AFRICA

DRESS CODE : any cultural attire is advised

Please lets all try to be early  and on time and beat this idea of African time because it will not be entertained this time thanks every one and see you at the event
Credits to : bigbase magazine 

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